Seattle Children's Food Pantry

Empower inpatient families to meet their nutritional needs more efficiently.

Real Time Inventory Accessor

For this project, we are working with the Seattle Children's Hospital. We want to create a seamless experience for inpatient's and their families to order food online and receive their orders efficiently. We also want to provide accurate information about the food inventory, so that inpatient's families know real-time availability of the foods they want.

Sponsor Information
Organization: Seattle Children's Hospital
Contact: Kelly, Fisher

Our Solution

The preference page allows users to input some of their personal informations such as their family size, dietary limitations, and method of transportation. This information helps the staff to understand the patients better and avoids giving foods that the patients are allergic to.

The menu page shows what is currently available in the food pantry. It allows the user to select foods that they want by simply clicking the "Add To Cart" button. The food menu has seven categories: fresh produces, meats & proteins, grains & breads, drinks & dairy, snacks & dessert, spices & condiments, and soups.

The confirmation page shows what the user has previously selected. It will show the item as well as the amount. After the users have confirmed their orders, they can click the submit button and the order will be placed.

Meet Our Team

We are students from the iSchool at the University of Washington. We want to make an impact by solving real-world problem with the leverage of technology and information. For this project, we are working along with the Seattle Children's Hospital Food Pantry.

This project has been handed off to a different team and will be continued. Please contact Kelly Fisher ([email protected]) from the Seattle Children's hospital if you are interested in learning more about this project.

Molly Li

Molly is currently a Junior studying Informatics at the iSchool. She works at UW-IT and is also a member of WINFO.

Eric Lin

Eric is currently a senior studying Economics and Informatics. He is interested in data science and machine learning. He was also born and raised in Taipei, Taiwan.

Naveen Janarthanan

Naveen is a senior studying in Informatics and Computer Science. He is a huge NBA fan and was also a nationally ranked chess player.

Xifei Wang

Xifei is a senior studying informatics. He loves animation! Xifei was previously the teaching assistant for an advance database course.

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